BGEdit | Business Gyan

Business Gyan 2.0

13 Mar, 2022

Almost 30 years back, Balaji Pasumarthi launched Business Gyan which went on to become an iconic must-read monthly magazine for Bangaloreans. He had put together an amazing editorial team and some of the best business professionals and writers were part of this amazing repertoire. For years, Business Gyan informed, advised and guided businessmen of all stripes. For the past decade Business Gyan has had a second life as an online only magazine drawing quite a good audience.

Today, we are glad to announce that Business Gyan is joining Knobly Cream network. With this, Business Gyan will be powered by Knobly Cream's backend and Knobly's editorial team will run the magazine. Of course, Balaji will be the guiding spirit behind this new avatar. And we would like to scale new heights with this venture.

Welcome to Business Gyan 2.0!

Publisher: BGEdit | Business Gyan

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