BGEdit | Business Gyan

Networking is About Stamina, Not Speed

09 Aug, 2023

In the world of professional relationships and business growth, networking plays a pivotal role. As the founder of BNI, an organization built on the foundation of referrals and networking, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power it holds. So, let’s take a look at what this marathon should look like – with a little humor added in.

Building Authentic Relationships: It’s Not Like Speed Dating!

Networking is about building authentic relationships, not just accumulating contacts. It's not a speed dating event where you collect as many business cards as possible and hope for the best. Nope, that won't cut it. It's essential to invest time and effort in getting to know others on a deeper level. Remember, it's not about exchanging pleasantries and pretending to be interested while secretly plotting to make a sale. Building rapport, trust, and a genuine connection requires a commitment to building long-term relationships. Treat it like a slow-cooked meal; let the flavors develop over time!

Establishing Credibility and Trust: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, and Bad Puns

A successful networker understands the significance of establishing credibility and trust within the business community. And what better way to establish credibility than through consistent effort and delivering on your promises? Show up, be reliable, and provide value to others. But wait, there's more! How about sprinkling in some humor to lighten the mood? Just make sure your networking humor doesn't fall flat like a pancake. Remember, a good joke can break the ice, but a bad joke might just make people feel as cold as an iceberg!

Imagine that you're at a networking event, and you strike up a conversation with a potential client. You are both discussing your businesses when you drop a perfectly timed pun. They chuckle, and suddenly the tension eases. You've established a connection beyond the ordinary small talk. So go ahead, let your sense of humor shine through. Just be careful not to overdo it.

The Power of Referrals: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Referrals are the lifeblood of successful networking. However, they're not something that magically appears with the snap of your fingers. Oh no, referrals are more like that delicious meal you wait hours for at a fantastic restaurant. They take time to cook. Asconnections grow stronger and trust deepens, individuals become more willing to recommend your services or products. So, don't rush it. Patience is key, just like waiting for that dessert you've been eyeing on the menu. Trust me, the referral soufflé will rise beautifully when the time is right!

Now, let's imagine a scenario. You meet someone at a networking event who expresses interest in your business. Instead of bombarding them with sales pitches, take a different approach. Build a genuine connection, show interest in their business, and find ways to support them. Remember, networking is a two-way street. If you provide value and support to others, they'll be more inclined to refer you to potential clients or partners. And when those referrals come flowing in, it'll feel like winning a delicious food-eating competition—except without the stomach ache and gained weight!

The Depth of Connection: Skip the Small Talk and Embrace the Quirkiness

While a sprint may be a quick burst of energy, networking thrives on the depth of connections you develop. It's not about how many people you can engage within a short period, but rather the quality and depth of those relationships. So, minimize the small talk and embrace the quirkiness! Find common interests, share your passions, and let your authentic selfshine when you network with people. After all, it's thequirks and unique qualities that make us memorable. Just be careful not to overshare; we're aiming for memorable, not creepy!

Imagine attending a networking event where everyone is wearing the same professional mask. The conversations revolve around the weather, the latest industry trends, and the most boring aspects of business. Sounds dreadful, right? Break free from the mundane! Instead of blending in, embrace your quirkiness. Talk about your love for comic books, your passion for knitting tiny hats for your pet turtle, or your secret talent for juggling oranges (for me, it’s catching and releasing venomous snakes back into the wild – that’s always a conversation starter). Be memorable, be authentic, and watch as those connections deepen like a well-developed plotline in a gripping novel.

Patience and Long-Term Vision: Marathon Training with Snacks and Dance Breaks

Networking is a journey that requires patience and a long-term vision. It's like training for a marathon, but with more snacks and dance breaks. Sure, there will be times when progress seems slow, and the finish line feels distant. That's when you break out the snacks and groove to your favorite tunes. Keep that networking stamina high! Embrace the ups and downs, celebrate the small victories, and keep your eye on the prize. Remember, it's not just about reaching the finish line; it's about enjoying the process and the connections you make along the way.

Let's envision a networking event as a vibrant dance floor. You're wearing your networking shoes, grooving to the beat, and mingling with other professionals. You may stumble a few times, but you pick yourself up and keep going. As you dance, you share stories, exchange ideas, and forge connections. And when the DJ plays your favorite song, you let loose and celebrate the joy of networking. So, don't forget to pack yourfavorite snacks, keep those dance moves handy, and embrace the marathon with a smile on your face.

Networking truly is a marathon, not a sprint. It involves building authentic relationships, establishing credibility and trust, earning referrals, fostering deep connections, and embracing a long-term vision. By understanding and embracing the principles of networking, individuals can unlock its true power in creating opportunities, fostering collaborations, and achieving professional success. So, lace up those networking shoes, grab a handful of networking-themed snacks, and let's embark on this marathon together. Embrace the journey, cultivate authentic relationships with a sprinkle of humor, and forge lasting connections that will propel us forward on our path to success. And don't forget to laugh along the way because, let's face it, networking can be serious business, but a little humor makes the journey all the more enjoyable!

- By Dr. Ivan Misner

Called the “father of modern networking” by CNN, Dr. Misner is a New York Times bestselling author.  He is also the Founder of BNI (, the world’s largest business networking organization. His latest book,Who’s in Your Room 2nd Edition, is a book about the secret to creating your best life.

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Publisher: BGEdit | Business Gyan

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